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A fundamental ability known as empathy enables people to experience others' emotions both intellectually and emotionally . Through its development people learn both emotional wisdom and build better relationships with others while becoming kinder individuals. The importance of social and emotional learning (SEL) has risen in the modern world prompting schools together with their educators to establish practical methods for teaching empathy to students.
Reading literature stands as the most effective means for teaching empathy to others. Reading stories together with books along with literary activities teaches students to feel what other people feel when they take on different perspectives while experiencing difficult emotions. Students develop emotional intelligence together with social abilities and classroom dialogues become meaningful thanks to literature-based classroom activities.
The Importance of Building Empathy Through Literature
The development of empathy as a core ability produces kindness and emotional intelligence next to building meaningful human relationships. Through literature, readers gain the ability to develop empathy because they experience different subjective perspectives from many sources of life drama including those that exist outside their circumstances. Literature enables students to experience diverse perspectives when they join characters in their narratives by understanding both their expressions of joy and their fighting challenges along with their dilemmas.
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